Tomorrow is my last day at my current job. There are many reasons why I'm leaving, but this is the main one:
You can see why I have to leave.
Let me show you again, just to make sure you got it.
The view from the loo.
Tomorrow is my last day at my current job. There are many reasons why I'm leaving, but this is the main one:
You can see why I have to leave.
Let me show you again, just to make sure you got it.
I'm interested in toilets and people's right to pee somewhere safe and water efficiency and all sorts of crazy shit like that.
Twice yesterday at work - once in each of the cubicles that service our floor - I had to change an empty toilet paper roll. What is with the office world?? No one returns phone calls (my research of the last fortnight or so has proved this beyond doubt) and no bugger changes a toilet roll. Do they think the loo is there just for them, and they'll get to changing it next time they go in??
No one should have to change a toilet roll before they pee. It's just not right.
I feel your pain. I think there's a major inernational ad campaign in this.
It really says a lot about an organisation when people won't change the loo roll for the next person.
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